Integrated transport
Passengers can expect changes in PSK bus transport
- . 4. March 2024
The new timetables of regional bus transport will come into force this weekend. The changes are intended to contribute to the improvement and systematization of
Connections on the line Rožňava – Dobšiná – Poprad will provide transfers to express trains in Poprad
- . 26. February 2024
Celkovo ide o 7 párov autobusových spojov počas pracovných dní a 6 párov autobusových spojov počas voľných dní. Zmena v organizácii dopravy platí od nedele 3. marca. Autobusové
The new transport system in Podhradík brings benefits to passengers
- . 12. February 2024
Urban public transport has been running to the village of Podhradík (Prešov district) since the new year. The benefits for its residents are regular connections,
You can also pay with a bank card on ARRIVA Michalovce buses
- . 26. January 2024
The price of the fare when paying by bank (debit/credit) card is the same as when paying in cash. From February 1st, 2024, passengers using
Last year, the number of passengers increased on lines with tact traffic
- . 26. January 2024
Last year, almost 36 million passengers were transported by regional buses of the Prešov and Košice self-governing regions, which represents a slight increase compared to
On a trip to Poland by Beliansky Express
- . 17. January 2024
Vlak do Muszyny premáva každý víkend až do 25. februára 2024. Sezónne železničné spojenie Beliansky expres, prevádzkované už niekoľko rokov, sa stalo obľúbeným dopravným prostriedkom
Passengers will be pleased with the wide selection of books at the bus station
- . 11. January 2024
Thanks to the cooperation with the Ján Bocatius Public Library in Košice, the shared library at the Košice bus station will always be full of
Introduction of urban public transport in the village of Podhradík
- . 4. January 2024
Premávka je zabezpečená celotýždenne, a to trinástimi pármi spojov počas školských pracovných dní a šiestimi pármi spojov počas víkendov a sviatkov. Od 1. januára 2024 zabezpečuje dopravnú obsluhu obce
Changes to travel schedules in the Abov, Gemer and Spiš regions
- . 6. December 2023
V nedeľu 10. decembra 2023 vstúpia do platnosti nové cestovné poriadky prímestskej autobusovej dopravy na východe Slovenska. Zmeny nastanú aj v regiónoch Košice, Rožňava a Spišská Nová Ves.
Passengers in PSK are waiting for changes in bus transport
- . 6. December 2023
Na väčšine územia Prešovského kraja dôjde od 10. decembra 2023 k optimalizácii služieb v prímestskej autobusovej doprave. Zmeny sa prioritne dotknú trás a spojov s minimálnym využitím zo strany cestujúcich. Súčasťou je aj