During the summer season, cycle buses are again available for cyclists who want to explore routes outside their region. Buses with mounted cycle carriers will transport passengers and their bicycles to three regions of the Prešov Region.
Cycle buses in the Prešov Region are hitting the roads again. This summer season they will serve cyclists in Poloniny, Pieniny, Domaša, Čergov, Bachureň and Slanské vrchy. Each bus will have a bike carrier for six bicycles.
In Spiš region, cyclists can be transported by cyclobuses during weekdays on three routes: Stará Ľubovňa – Lesnica, Stará Ľubovňa – Sulín/Legnava and Stará Ľubovňa – Litmanová. The services will run back and forth from Monday to Friday until 30 September, with the line to Sulín/Legnava connecting with trains from and to Poprad in Stará Ľubovňa.
In the Šariš region, cyclists can use cyclobuses during weekends and public holidays on the routes Prešov – Zlatá Baňa, Sabinov – Drienica, Sabinov – Renčišov and Sabinov – Olejníkov (Majdan). The services will run back and forth on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays until the end of August, while cyclists can take a trip to the Slanské vrchy, Čergov or Bachureň. The services will also connect with trains from Košice and to Prešov, namely on the Sabinov – Drienica line and partly also on the Sabinov – Olejníkov (Majdan) line.
Cycle buses in Upper Zemplín will provide weekend transport of cyclists with their bicycles on the line Humenné – Snina – Nová Sedlica and on the line Vranov nad Topľou – Domaša, Dobrá. Cycle buses will run every weekend, i.e. on Saturdays and Sundays and during public holidays, back and forth until the end of August. Cyclists can also ride in the locality, for example, on the newly opened route in the Poloniny Starina – Ruské.
In addition, those interested can also make a trip to Dukla via the Kysak – Svidník line, where the interior or storage space under the bus deck will be used for transporting bicycles. Cycle buses can also be used in the campaign of the Prešov Self-Governing Region and the Regional Organization of the KOCR Northeast of Slovakia – Holiday on a “bicycle” and thus complete several routes divided according to difficulty.
For transporting a bicycle up to 50 km, passengers will pay EUR 1.50, up to 200 km a total of EUR 3. Loading and unloading of the bicycle on and off the bike carrier will be arranged by the passenger with the assistance of the driver. Passengers can find all connections at www.cp.sk.
line Stará Ľubovňa – Lesnica
All services on the line operate as cyclebus since 1.7. to 30.9.
Overview of services in direction to Lesnica:
Overview of services in direction from Lesnica:
Services run on weekdays.
line Stará Ľubovňa – Sulín/Legnava
All services on the line operate as cyclebus since 1.7. to 30.9.
The services connect in Stará Ľubovňa with trains from Poprad or to Poprad.
Overview of services in direction to Sulín/Legnava:
Overview of services in direction from Sulín/Legnava:
Services run on weekdays.
line Stará Ľubovňa – Litmanová
All services on the line operate as cyclebus since 1.7. to 30.9.
Overview of services in direction to Litmanová:
Overview of services in direction from Litmanová:
Services run on weekdays.
line Prešov – Zlatá Baňa
All services on the line operate as cyclebus since 1.7. to 30.9.
Overview of services in direction to Zlatá Baňa:
Overview of services in direction from Zlatá Baňa:
Services run on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.
line Sabinov – Drienica
All services on the line operate as cyclebus since 1.7. to 31.8.
The services connect in Sabinov with trains from Košice and Prešov, respectively to Prešov and Košice.
Overview of services in direction to Drienica:
Overview of services in direction from Drienica:
Services run on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.
line Sabinov – Renčišov
All services on the line operate as cyclebus since 1.7. to 31.8.
Overview of services in direction to Renčišov:
Overview of services in direction from Renčišov:
Services run on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.
line Sabinov – Olejníkov (Majdan)
All services on the line operate as cyclebus since 1.7. to 31.8.
Services connect in Sabinov with trains from Košice and Prešov, respectively to Prešov and Košice.
Overview of services in direction to Majdan:
Overview of services in direction from Majdan:
Services run on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.
line Humenné – Snina – Nová Sedlica
All services on the line operate as cyclebus since 1.7. to 31.8.
Overview of services in direction to Nová Sedlica
Overview of services in direction from Nová Sedlica:
Services run on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.
line Vranov nad Topľou – Dobrá
All services on the line operate as cyclebus since 1.7. to 31.8.
Overview of services in direction to Dobrá
Overview of services in direction from Dobrá
Services run on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.
Foto: PSK
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