Thanks to the cooperation with the Ján Bocatius Public Library in Košice, the shared library at the Košice bus station will always be full of interesting books.
A shared library was added at the bus station in Košice in September during the European Mobility Week. Passengers can make waiting for a connection or travelling more pleasant by reading books. Two organisations of the Košice Region – IDS East and the Ján Bocatius Public Library in Košice – joined forces in this project. The cooperation is aimed at adding titles of various genres to the shared library at the bus station in Košice.
“Thousands of people visit the bus station every day. The Ján Bocatius Public Library, as a partner in this project, allows us to offer a wide selection of books so that passengers can choose a work according to their interests. This initiative not only makes the time waiting for a connection more pleasant, but also encourages reading and gives books a chance for a second life. This gives passengers the opportunity to use their time at the station and on the buses in a meaningful way and to discover new literary genres that they might not have tried otherwise,” said Radovan Hužvík, Managing Director of IDS Východ, s.r.o.
Thanks to the Ján Bocatius Public Library in Košice, the shared library at the Košice bus station will be regularly full of books. The first supply was replenished in December, the selection of books is really varied. The next batch of books was added in January.
“We welcomed the offer of cooperation, thanks to which we can make people’s travel time more pleasant. We will be adding titles to the shared library so that everyone can choose from them. We have been delighted with the first positive responses, with interest in fairy tale books, novels for women, detective stories and educational literature. In the shared library we will offer mainly books that have been discarded from our collection or donated,” said the director of the Ján Bocatius Public Library in Košice, Soňa Jakešová.
The shared library can be used by travellers free of charge. They can take a book that interests them and read it. It will be appreciated if the book is returned to its original place after reading and then it will make other interested people happy.
Passengers are still welcome to bring their own books to the shared library if they no longer have space on the shelves at home or if they wish to delight other readers with them.
Autor: IDS Východ, s.r.o.
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