On Wednesday, March 27, 2024, a mandate contract was signed between the representatives of the city of Prešov and the organizer IDS Východ. Prešov will thus become an active part of a successful public transport system alongside the Prešov and Košice self-governing regions and the city of Košice.
The city of Prešov signed a mandate contract with the organizer of the Integrated Transport System IDS Východ by which it becomes an active part of this project. It operates on the territory of the Prešov and Košice self-governing regions, the city of Košice and, by signing the contract, also the city of Prešov.
“This is a necessary step towards fulfilling our vision of modern public transport that is accessible to all and motivates people to use it. Passengers should have a guarantee that they will reach the destination of each trip within both regions comfortably, without unnecessary waiting thanks to guaranteed transfers,” said Prešov Vice Mayor Richard Drutarovský.
As he added, by integrating into this system, Prešov will be able to raise urban and regional transport to a level like that of foreign capitals.
Representatives of the organizer IDS Východ also took part in the signing at the Prešov Town Hall.
“The purpose of this contract is the full integration of the transport systems of two regions and cities. The result should be an efficient system of urban, regional and possibly also rail transport links. The plan also includes tariff integration, which means traveling on one travel document regardless of the type of means of transport used,” said Norbert Mondek, IDS Východ.
One of the other advantages of integrating the city of Prešov into the IDS Východ system is the possibility of using the IDS traffic model. It is a software mapping the infrastructure of the entire eastern Slovakia and includes both public and individual transport. It is used to simulate traffic models that, based on input data, can estimate the impact on infrastructure or passengers in advance. In the future, it can serve the city of Prešov, for example, to create a system of bypass routes in case of extensive restrictions in connection with the reconstruction of roads and bridges.
“The common goal of IDS Východ and the city of Prešov is to increase the attractiveness of public transport, including relieving passengers of the need to purchase a number of different tickets. This agreement will improve the existing cooperation in the coordination of urban and regional transport in the wider vicinity of Prešov. We have a lot of work ahead of us in the near future. During April we will set up the processes of this cooperation in such a way that together with the self-governing regions we will achieve tariff integration by the deadline according to the recovery plan,” said Prešov Mayor František Oľha.
The framework goal of IDS Východ is to improve public transport for transport participants from all age and social groups and to ensure sustainable transport in the future, which will motivate the traveling public to switch from individual transport to bus or train.
TS: MsÚ Prešov
Foto: Erik Wittner/MsÚ Prešov
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