Free parking and shuttle bus transport on the route Tatranská Lomnica – Tatranské Matiare – Biela voda will be available for tourists of the High Tatras again this year. The Prešov Self-Governing Region in cooperation with the town of High Tatras are opening the parking area (near the former Eurocamp) for the summer season 2024 already on Saturday, June 15.
Tourists will park at the beginning of Tatranská Lomnica free of charge this summer and at regular intervals they will be taken by shuttle bus from the former Eurocamp area to the place from where the routes lead, for example, to Zelené and Biele pleso or to Kopské sedlo. They will be able to use the service from Saturday 15 June.
The region is putting the car park and the shuttle service back into operation after a year. They were launched last summer, when new traffic regulations started to apply on the road from Tatranské Matliarov to Tatranská Kotlina, also in connection with the extensive reconstruction of the Freedom Road. At that time, the section was equipped with crash barriers and traffic signs prohibiting parking along the road. Even after the comprehensive reconstruction of the Tatra Highway, the parking lot has its justification.
“Also in this summer season we want to relieve the considerably overexposed road sections in our Tatras and the Tatra transport in general and allow tourists to park free of charge at the parking lot with a capacity of approximately 400 cars. With SAD Poprad, we are also going back to the shuttle service, which has proved its worth, transporting almost 12 thousand passengers in the summer of 2023, with an average of more than 1,050 passengers per week. With these measures we want to increase safety on the Tatra roads and also to provide those who come here with comfort and convenience during their transfers to see the attractions of our mountains, which do not have to be prioritised only by car transport,” said Milan Majerský, the president of the Prešov self-governing region, on the re-launch of the free parking and shuttle service.
The shuttle service will run on weekends during the months of June and September and during the peak season in July and August, specifically from 29 June to 1 September, throughout the week.
It will take tourists on the route Tatranská Lomnica P+R (Park and ride), Tatranská Lomnica Eurocamp, Tatranská Lomnica 1. máj, Tatranská Lomnica station (where it is possible to transfer to other lines of regional bus transport or trains), then to the stops Tatranské Matliare and Biela voda.
From 15 to 28 June there will be departures from Tatranská Lomnica P+R to Biela Voda at 30-minute intervals from 6.15 to 10.15 a.m. and at one-hour intervals from 11.45 a.m. to 5.45 p.m. Back from Biela Voda to Tatranská Lomnica P+R tourists can use the connection at 6.30 a.m. and then 30-minute interval from 7.15 to 10.45 a.m. and also hourly from 12.15 to 18.15 p.m.
During the summer holidays from 29 June to 1 September, Prešov region will add more shuttle buses on the route. From Tatranská Lomnica P+R to Biela Voda the bus will leave every half an hour between 7.15 and 10.15 a.m. and every hour between 11.45 and 18.45 p.m. The bus will return from Biela Voda to Tatranská Lomnica P+R at half-hourly intervals between 7.45 and 10.45 a.m. and at hourly intervals between 12.15 and 7.15 p.m.
The price of a ticket for an adult will be a maximum of 1.50 euros when paying in cash, when paying from a transport card it will be cheaper, while the passenger will pay 1 euro per ticket. Children and pupils will have a fare of €0.80 when paying in cash and €0.50 when paying by chip card. For special fares, seniors, pregnant women and holders of the gold Jansky plaque will pay €0.50 in cash and €0.30 from a transport card.
Meanwhile, the family weekend fare for one euro, where at least one parent and at least one child up to 15 years of age must travel, remains valid. Each member of the family will pay one euro per ticket during the weekend and on public holidays.
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