Categories: Integrated transport

Framework draft of the timetable – GVD 2024/2025

The Slovak Railways (ŽSR) have prepared the timetable for the period 2024/2025.

It is a framework proposal of the ŽSR timetable for the period 2024/2025, which is processed on the basis of the order of railway undertakings and is intended for comments from the general public. It is expected to be finalised into a final draft GVD in the coming months. The draft timetables of lines 191 (section Bánovce n/Ondavou – Humenné – Medzilaborce mesto), 193 (section Strážske – Humenné) and 196 (Humenné – Stakčín) have not been closed yet due to the closure activity.

Proposals and comments on the modification of the timetables can be submitted until 21 July 2024 to the following postal address:

IDS Východ, s.r.o.
Bačíkova 7
040 01 Košice

By e-mail to

List of railway lines on the territory of Eastern Slovakia:

Line 160 Košice – Plešivec (– Zvolen) in pdf.

Line 169 Košice – Hidasnémeti in pdf.

Line 173 Červená Skala – Margecany in pdf.:

Line 180 Košice – Poprad-Tatry (–Žilina) in pdf.

Line 185 Poprad-Tatry – Plaveč; Studený Potok – Tatranská Lomnica in pdf.

Line 188 Košice – Prešov – Lipany – Plaveč in pdf.

Line 190 Košice – Čierna nad Tisou – Čop in pdf.

Line 191 Michaľany – Humenné (– Łupków) in pdf.

Line 193 Prešov – Humenné in pdf.

Line 194 Prešov – Bardejov in pdf.

Line 196 Humenné – Stakčín in pdf.

Timetables for all lines can be viewed by clicking on Framework proposal of grafic train schedule 2024/2025 (ZIP).

Zdroj: CP (ŽSR)


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