The Slovak Association of Public Transport Organisers (Slovenská asociácia organizátorov verejnej dopravy – SAOVD) was established in Slovakia with the aim of mutual cooperation and exchange of information in the field of organisation of public passenger transport, especially in the field of integrated transport systems. The members of the association are:

Bratislavská integrovaná doprava, a.s. (Bratislava integrated transport)
Integrovaná doprava Žilinského kraja, s.r.o. (Integrated transport of Žilina region)
IDS Východ, s.r.o. (IDS East)
Organizátor IDS BBSK, a.s. (Organisator of Integrated transport of Banská Bystrica region)

The long-term aim of SAOVD is to effectively support the creation of favourable legislative and organisational conditions for the establishment and development of comprehensive integrated transport systems on a regional basis within the territory of the Slovak Republic.

More information about SAOVD can be found at