
News in the purchase of travel tickets will speed up travel in the east of Slovakia

From 1 August, passengers on regional buses in the Prešov and Košice regions will no longer have to buy tickets…

5 months ago

Subscription and transfer tickets in bus transport in the East will soon be a reality

On regional bus services, from August onwards, pre-paid tickets ranging from daily to annual and transfer tickets will be available…

6 months ago

Prepaid tickets will be added to regional bus transport

Travel for regular passengers in bus regional transport will be more advantageous. As part of the gradual introduction of an…

7 months ago

PSK and KSK are introducing changes in the suburban bus transport tariff

Cestujúcich v prímestskej autobusovej doprave čakajú od 1. februára zmeny. Dotknú sa výšky cestovného i nových zliav. Výhodnejšie budú cestovať seniori od…

2 years ago