Integrated transport

Suburban bus traffic in the east will be managed by dispatch

The self-governing regions in the east of Slovakia are introducing a new thing in transport – the central dispatching and information system IDS Východ. The

Integrated transport

Special discounts on travel fares apply in eastern Slovakia

Traveling by suburban buses in eastern Slovakia is worthwhile. The benefit of special discounts is offered to selected groups of residents of the Prešov self-governing

Integrated transport

Bardejov Spa and Krynica will be connected by a regular train

A new cross-border line in suburban bus transport will start operating this summer. The Prešov self-governing region is introducing a daily line on the route

Integrated transport

PSK and KSK are introducing changes in the suburban bus transport tariff

Cestujúcich v prímestskej autobusovej doprave čakajú od 1. februára zmeny. Dotknú sa výšky cestovného i nových zliav. Výhodnejšie budú cestovať seniori od 63 rokov, preprava sa oplatí