Final draft of the timetable – GVD 2024/2025
V zmysle „Harmonogramu prác pre zostavu GVD 2024/2025“ bol organizátorovi IDS Východ doručený manažérom infraštruktúry Konečný návrh Cestovného poriadku ŽSR pre obdobie platnosti 2024/2025. Organizátor
The European Mobility Week is starting, join the competition for super prizes
Európsky týždeň mobility prebieha každoročne v týždni od 16. do 22. septembra 2024. Jeho cieľom je podporovať udržateľnú dopravu a motivovať ľudí k využívaniu verejnej dopravy. Aj v meste
ETM 2024: Competition 10,000 FOR HEALTH, transport cards will be free
Obyvatelia východného Slovenska sa počas Európskeho týždňa mobility môžu tešiť na súťaže, bezplatné vydávanie dopraných kariet, cykloraňajky a bezplatný cykloservis. Prešovský a Košický samosprávny kraj v spolupráci s IDS
News in the purchase of travel tickets will speed up travel in the east of Slovakia
From 1 August, passengers on regional buses in the Prešov and Košice regions will no longer have to buy tickets at every boarding. Prepaid and
Cycle buses of the Prešovský region are in operation again
During the summer season, cycle buses are again available for cyclists who want to explore routes outside their region. Buses with mounted cycle carriers will
Framework draft of the timetable – GVD 2024/2025
The Slovak Railways (ŽSR) have prepared the timetable for the period 2024/2025. It is a framework proposal of the ŽSR timetable for the period 2024/2025,
A new cross-border bus line connects the High Tatras and Poland
Visitors to the High Tatras have the opportunity to take advantage of the new international bus connection between Slovakia and Poland. The line runs from
Subscription and transfer tickets in bus transport in the East will soon be a reality
On regional bus services, from August onwards, pre-paid tickets ranging from daily to annual and transfer tickets will be available to make travel more convenient.
The parking lot and shuttle service in the Tatras are back in operation
Free parking and shuttle bus transport on the route Tatranská Lomnica – Tatranské Matiare – Biela voda will be available for tourists of the High
Prepaid tickets will be added to regional bus transport
Travel for regular passengers in bus regional transport will be more advantageous. As part of the gradual introduction of an integrated transport system, self-governing regions